Magic City line
Since its birth, the Montanalegno line has started the production of playing equipment. The Magic City line was the first and most prestigious one, and was a great success.
In recent years, the products of the Magic City line have been continuously refined and currently represent a reference point for the entire sector for the quality of its materials, its accurate finishes and a high level of safety.
The supporting structures are made of scots pine wood treated in an autoclave with ecological preservative salts to improve its resistance to atmospheric agents. The treatment and the quality of the components also give this line the primacy of strength and durability.
Magic City castles and towers stimulate the child’s play with shapes and colours that attract the eye and the imagination.
They are equipped with numerous play components such as slides, ladders, climbing platforms, normal bridges and rope and inclined bridges, which help develop the child’s motor activities as well as promoting their creativity and ability to socialize.